Portland - TriMet and the city of Portland are using $1.6 million of federal stimulus funds to repair bricks in 20 intersections on Morrison and Yamhill streets in downtown Portland. As the backbone of Portland’s light rail system, the Morrison and Yamhill corridors have experienced significant wear and tear and have not had major repairs in the 25 years since the tracks went in.

The contractor is Stacy and Witbeck/Kiewet Pacific, Inc. Subcontractors include C.O.A.T. Flagging, Schonert and Associates, Inc. and Raimore Construction, Inc. Raimore and C.O.A.T. Flagging are part of TriMet’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program.

Federal stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) have prevented 23 layoffs among the contractor and three subcontractors working on this project.