The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) has created comprehensive new online resource guides covering sustainable design and planning.

Created for national and local policymakers, government agencies, design professionals, planners and students, the guides brings together hundreds of case studies, research papers, organizations and other government resources about sustainable design.

Sustainable design practices can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, help adaptation to climate change, clean the air and water, reduce urban heat island effect, and increase the health and wellbeing of residents. They can also provide long-term savings through lower heating and cooling costs, higher property values and livable communities.

The five online resources include:

• Green Infrastructure, which covers park systems, wildlife habitat and corridors, urban forestry and green roofs.

• Sustainable Transportation, which covers transportation planning, siting transportation infrastructure, safe and visually appealing transportation infrastructure, green streets and reducing urban heat island effect.

• Sustainable Urban Development, which covers fighting sprawl, zoning, reusing brownfields, investing in downtowns, open spaces and urban design.

• Livable Communities, which covers sustainable land use, place making, green schools, sustainable housing, sustainable employment growth and health, safety and security.

• Combating Climate Change with Landscape Architecture, which covers site planning, open spaces, plant selection, stormwater management and other topics.

ASLA is also looking for additional or new resources on these topics. Those interested in submitting research, case studies or other items can contact ASLA at