The American Council of Engineering Cos. Colorado Chapter presented its 2013 Engineering Excellence Awards to member firms on Nov. 5 at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver.
Leading the pack as this year’s choice for the chapter’s Grand Conceptor Award was the new Toyota Elephant Passage exhibit at the Denver Zoo. All of the excellence award winners (first place awards) will move on to compete at the national level. This year’s winners are listed below.
Grand Conceptor Award/Excellence Award
The RMH Group
Building/Technology Systems Category
Toyota Elephant Passage, Denver Zoo, Denver
Excellence Award
M-E Engineers Inc.
Building/Technology Systems Category
University of Wyoming Visual Arts Facility, Laramie, Wyo.
Excellence Award
MKK Consulting Engineers Inc.
Building/Technology Systems Category
Denver Dept. of Human Services Eastside Services Building, Denver
Excellence Award
Figg Bridge Engineers Inc.
Structural Systems Category
U.S. 191 Colorado River Bridge, Moab, Utah
Excellence Award/Graphics Award
Merrick-McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group
Special Projects Category
Fish Passage Facilities at Hartland Dam on the Gunnison River, Delta, Colo.
Excellence Award