Colorado Engineering Council Awards $32K in Scholarships to Top Engineering Students
The American Council of Engineering Cos. of Colorado recently presented $32,000 in scholarships to 11 outstanding college students pursuing degrees in engineering at Colorado schools with ABET-accredited engineering programs. The 2014 recipients were selected from a field of 32 applicants based on their academic records, involvement in student chapters of professional organizations and community service.

KC Schulz, a mechanical engineering student at Colorado School of Mines, received the $6,000 Leonard Rice Memorial Scholarship, which was established seven years ago in honor of Lee Rice of Leonard Rice Engineers. Jared Leventhal, civil engineering and business administration student at the University of Colorado Boulder, received the council’s $5,000 William Russell Stoneman Award scholarship. Schultz and Leventhal will also compete for additional scholarship funding through ACEC National’s scholarship competition.
Jonathan Greco, electrical engineering student at the University of Colorado Boulder, received the $4,000 Fu Hua Chen Scholarship.
The council also awarded a $2,500 scholarship to Tanner Fretthold, Colorado State University; and $2,000 scholarships to Gavin Downey, Colorado Mesa University; Valene Lickley, CSU; Greg Rossin, University of Colorado Boulder; Ashlyn Norberg, University of Colorado Boulder, Patrick Davenport, University of Denver; and Nicole Ela, University of Colorado Boulder.
In partnership with the American Public Works Association, Laura Kroeger, representing APWA, joined Roush in presenting the $2,500 Jack Bruce Memorial Scholarship to CSU civil engineering student Kayla Fochtman.
The interests of this year’s scholars range from remediation engineering and sustainable design to owning a business and applying their skills in energy and transportation.
“This is the first time I’ve been awarded for my hard work, and it takes away a lot of financial stress,” said Greco. “It’s an honor and I’m very excited.”
“These students represent the future of engineering, and we are pleased to be able to help fund their education in this vital field,” said Greg Roush, ACEC Colorado president. “We wish them well as they work toward completing their degrees,”
Additionally, ACEC Colorado presented a $1,000 scholarship to Cheyenne Mountain High School student Nicholas Lewis, Region 2 winner of the 47th Annual High School Bridge Building Contest, which is sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation, the National Society of Professional Engineers of Colorado and ACEC Colorado.