CSU Retains Top Design Firm to Consult on Football Stadium
Colorado State University says it has retained global design firm Populous as an architectural consultant on the university’s new football stadium project. With offices around the globe, including Kansas City and Denver, Populous specializes in designing arenas, stadiums, ballparks and convention centers.
The firm has designed more than 80 projects for U.S. colleges and universities, including TCF Bank Stadium, an on-campus stadium completed in 2009 for the University of Minnesota. TCF Bank Stadium is the first football stadium to achieve LEED-Silver certification. The firm is also designing a new on-campus stadium for Baylor University.
“Populous has tremendous experience designing stadiums around the world, including for many U.S. colleges and universities,” said Amy Parsons, vice president for university operations and co-chair of the Stadium Advisory Committee. “Their input and experience will be extremely valuable to the Stadium Advisory Committee as we begin to look more closely at what a new stadium at CSU might look like, what amenities could be added, what additional uses could be considered and, ultimately, what the project might cost. This is all vital information that the committee must have so we can make an informed recommendation to (CSU) President (Tony) Frank.”
“This is the beginning of a very important journey for every student, alumni, fan, athlete, educator and administrator at Colorado State University,” said Scott Radecic, senior principal at Populous. “We also see this as the beginning of a special process, because it is at the core of what we do best, and that’s creating a spectacular, memorable experience in a setting where college football belongs.”
Populous will work closely with ICON Venue Group, stadium consultant, to complete a preliminary stadium feasibility study. Populous was selected through a competitive process and will be paid with private dollars. The key criteria for selecting an architect were expertise in complex, public construction projects – including experience with stadiums – as well as a proven ability to support the work required to complete a feasibility study.
In January, CSU President Frank created the Stadium Advisory Committee – which includes representation from student, faculty, staff, alumni and community stakeholder groups – and asked members to provide a recommendation by the end of the semester on whether CSU should consider pursuing construction of a new stadium.
Charging the committee to work in an inclusive and transparent manner, Frank also set out a series of guidelines that must be met if the stadium project is to move forward. Those include:
• CSU won’t consider putting the stadium on existing open green space, including the intramural fields.
• CSU won’t consider putting the stadium in front of significant existing view corridors to protect views of the mountains.
• All recommendations from the Stadium Advisory Committee must take into serious account any impact on neighbors in areas adjacent or near the new stadium.
• State appropriation, tuition, fees or taxes will not be considered as funding