Construction Spending Edges Higher During May
• Conservation and development-related construction spending increased 1.2% for the month and is up 16% on a yearly basis.
• Highway and street-related construction spending expanded 0.7% in May and is up 2.3% compared to the same time last year.
• Communication construction spending grew 2.3% for the month, but is down 1.1% from the same time one year ago.
• Public safety-related construction spending expanded 0.3% on a monthly basis, but has declined 10.9% on a year-over-year basis.
• Power construction spending grew 3.9% for the month and was 25.9% higher than the same time last year.
• Spending in the water supply category expanded 8.5% for the month and is unchanged year over year.
Spending in five nonresidential construction subsectors declined in May.
• Manufacturing-related spending fell 1.4% on a monthly basis, but is up 6.3% compared to the same time last year.
• Health care-related construction spending fell 1.6% for the month and is down 10.1% from May 2013.
• Education-related construction spending fell 0.5% for the month and is down 0.8% on a year-over-year basis.
• Commercial construction spending fell 1.1% in May, but is up 4.6% on a year-over-year basis.
• Lodging construction spending is down 1.2% on a monthly basis, but is up 11.4% on an annual basis.