People and Promotions in the Mountain States Region
Justin Cooper has been named a vice president at GE Johnson Construction, Denver and Colorado Springs. Since joining the firm in 1998, Cooper has led preconstruction, team integration and development on more than 5 million sq ft of health care projects, including five new hospital campuses.
Shannon Rogers has also been named a vice president at GE Johnson. Starting in 2006, Rogers developed the firm's in-house building information modeling team and systems integration group, which now includes nine design and construction professionals.
Jim Starling, a veteran Regional Transportation District project manager who oversaw the recent completion of the new West Line from Denver to Golden, will return to lead the agency's North Metro Rail Line, with construction slated to begin next year.
Greg Roush, Leonard Rice Engineers Inc., Denver, will serve as 2013-14 president of the American Council of Engineering Cos. of Colorado. Peter Monroe, Monroe & Newell Engineers Inc., will serve as vice president, and Marvinetta Hartwig, Hartwig & Associates, will serve as secretary-treasurer. Other newly elected local directors include: Steve Ravel, Hatch Mott MacDonald; Ceila Rethamel, WHPacific Inc.; Scott Sammons, Kleinfelder; and Dave Merritt, URS, Glenwood Springs. Former council president, William Hoffmann Jr., CTL/Thompson, will serve as a director on the ACEC national board.
Jodi Villa, senior project manager with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants in Denver, was recently installed as president of the Colorado Chapter of the WateReuse Association. The group advocates legislation and regulations for the efficient uses of high-quality, locally produced, sustainable water sources.
Colorado State University has chosen David McLean, director of the Transportation Research Center at Washington State University, as dean of the CSU College of Engineering. A faculty member at WSU for 26 years, McLean also held a number of administrative positions at WSU, including chair of the civil engineering department and associate dean for the college of engineering.
Golden Triangle Construction has named Keith Meier as the contractor's business development manager for its southern Colorado market. Meier is based in GTC's Colorado Springs office and is in charge of managing and increasing the firm's client base in south Denver, Colorado Springs and surrounding counties.
Rich Allison has joined Bryan Construction as senior vice president of Denver operations. He is responsible for strategic planning, risk management and day-to-day execution of the company's recently formed Denver business unit. Allison previously served as a senior executive for Adolfson & Peterson Construction and Milender White Construction Co.