2012 Award of Merit
Transportation Category
Moss Street Extension and Roundabout
Golden, Colo.
Strains on local transportation infrastructure brought on by rapidly growing employment at the Dept. of Energy's National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colo., have been met by construction of a new parking facility, an access route and secondary entrance gate.
Prior to the improvements, the work force had been bused in from distant parking lots by shuttle. Now they have a new parking garage at NREL's South Table Mountain campus. The new Moss Street extension and roundabout project added a half-mile, two-lane collector roadway, bike lanes and pedestrian improvements leading to the southern entrance of the NREL campus.
Key Players
Owner: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Golden, Colo.
Civil Engineer: Baseline Corp., Golden, Colo.
General Contractor: Haselden Construction
Structural Engineer: Summit Engineering Group
Geotechnical: Ground Engineering, Englewood, Colo.
Pavement Design: Kumar & Associates, Englewood
Entry submitted by Baseline Corp.