ABC-RMC—Associated Builders and Contractors Inc., Rocky Mountain Chapter

Current Members: 178
Increased Membership Target for 2010: 250
Key Issues/Initiatives: Strengthening our role as the voice of merit-shop construction in order to prevent the implementation of discriminatory union-only project labor agreements and to defeat the passage of the ill-conceived Card Check legislation. ABC is leading a coalition dedicated to exposing and defeating project labor agreements on federal construction projects. PLAs are nothing more than a blatant political payback to organized labor at the expense of 90% of the construction workforce in Colorado that has chosen not to belong to a labor union.
Highest Issue on Strategic Plan: Capitalizing on current successes to ensure ABC is even more proactive and responsive in addressing industry-related matters such as the economy and legislation that affect member firms.
2009 President/Chair: Paul O’Donnell, Hensel Phelps Construction Co., operations manager
Economic Priorities: Jobs, jobs, jobs. Revitalization of the private nonresidential construction market will be a challenge due to the market being overbuilt, tight credit, project delays and cancellations, and rising unemployment.
Biggest Concerns: Government’s interference with the free marketplace, government increasing taxes and fees, and the increased influence of organized labor with elected officials being slanting the playing field.