EPA Names Georgia Concrete Industry for National Leadership Award
The Georgia Concrete and Products Association was named the national award recipient among trade associations for environmental performance by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The group was nominated for the award by the Georgia Small Business Environmental Assistance Program of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
The GC&PA represents ready-mixed concrete producers in Georgia, as well as manufacturers of cement-based products such as masonry block and paver products.
Highlights of GC&PA’s environmental efforts in partnership with the Georgia SBEAP included: planning and sponsorship of environmental compliance workshops for ready-mix concrete producers; development of a best management practices guide for concrete truck wash down; and formation of and participation in an industry stakeholder group led by Georgia SBEAP to review and provide feedback to state regulators on a revised air quality permitting strategy for Georgia’s ready-mixed concrete facilities.
Officials with the association received the award in June during the EPA SBEAP National Conference in Louisville, Ky.