PROJECT COST: $259.4 million
The MIA Mover is a 1.23 -mi automated people-mover system that will transport passengers and employees from Miami International Airport to the Miami Intermodal Center, an intermodal transportation hub still under construction that links the airport to rental car companies, Tri-rail and Metrorail.
The project includes a 41,007-sq-ft station and a 1.23-mi-long guideway.
The MIA Mover will operate between MIA and the two major structures of the MIC�the Rental Car Center and the Miami Central Station. It is Miami-Dade County�s contribution to the overall MIC Program and will be built and operated by the Miami-Dade Aviation Dept.
The Florida Dept. of Transportation is responsible for its guideway foundations and construction of its station at the MIC.
Dual elevated guideways will allow trains to travel in both directions.
The project is seeking LEED certification. The project team decided to offset 70% of the station�s energy consumption for two years by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits, which subsidize the development of renewable energy choices.
Project officials estimate that the adoption of sustainable design and construction practices should provide the owner with a minimum energy cost savings of 14% for the facility.
The MIA Mover is scheduled to be operational in 2012.
Key Facts:
Location: Miami
Start Date: March 2009
Completion Date: September 2011
Owner: Miami-Dade Aviation Dept., Miami
Contractor/Designer: Parsons-Odebrecht Joint Venture, Miami