8. U.S. 95, Horse Drive Interchange
PROJECT COST: $41 Million

The Horse Drive Interchange at U.S. Highway 95 improvement project, located in the far northwest part of Las Vegas, includes construction of an overpass and full single point urban interchange, frontage roads, ramps, retaining walls and a second bridge over the frontage road, along with extensive utility work, flood control improvements, traffic signals and lighting. Funding is provided by the State of Nevada, Federal Highway Administration, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, the Clark County Regional Flood Control District and city of Las Vegas.
Location: Las Vegas, Nev.
Started: June 2009
Target Completion: December 2010
Owner: City of Las Vegas
Design Firm: VTN Nevada
General Contractor: Capriati Construction
Construction Mgmt. Engineer: PBS&J
Subcontractors: Wells Cargo; Stewart & Sundell; TransCore; Lochsa Surveying; Spirit Underground