11. Loop 303, Lake Pleasant Parkway To I-17
PROJECT COST: $69.5 Million

Picking up where the Arizona #6 project leaves off, this portion of Loop 303 stretches along roughly 10.6 mi from Lake Pleasant Parkway to I-17 and consists of constructing an interim freeway facility. The work includes approximately 3 million cu yds of roadway excavation and embankment, aggregate base, PCCP and drainage facilities including seven box culverts, four superbox bridges, four prestressed AASHTO girder concrete bridges and one cast-in-place box bridge. Other work includes concrete-lined drainage channels, furnishing and installing signing, lighting, traffic signals and surveillance and native plant salvage and landscape establishment.
Location: Phoenix, Ariz.
Started: June 2009
Target Completion: November 2010
Owner: Arizona Dept. of Transportation
Engineering Design Engineering: Michael Baker Jr. Inc.
General Contractor: Ames and Coffman Specialties