Miller Bonded Builds Fab Shop, Anticipating Future Demand
With a focus on the future, Miller Bonded Inc. is building a 16,000-sq-ft pipe fabrication shop and warehouse adjacent to their existing duct fabrication facility and offices in Albuquerque.

“We are confident that things will bounce back, and when they do Miller Bonded is going to be prepared to move ahead full force, which is why we have decided to initiate our own construction project,” says MBI President Ken Otteni.
Freeman’s Finest will serve as the general contractor on the design by NCA Architects, while MBI will be the mechanical and plumbing contractor on the job.
The project is set to be completed in December and will be seeking LEED gold. The pipe fabrication shop will supply pipe for MBI jobs as well as fabricating pipe for other mechanical contractors. With the new expansion, they will be able to produce pipe more efficiently for a higher volume for projects.