The U.S. General Services Administration, Dept of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation and builder/developer Ryan Companies US, Inc. broke ground on a 210,202-sq-ft facility that Phoenix-based FBI personnel will call home for the next 20 years.
![Ryan Cos. will develop and build the new $62-million FBI headquarters in north Phoenix. AECOM is the design firm on the project.](/images/2010/10/1001_6a.jpg)
Located at 7th Street and Deer Valley Road, the $62-million facility will replace the FBI’s four current Phoenix locations, allowing expansion and consolidation of agency operations and personnel through a 20-year lease agreement with Ryan Cos.
The project demands specialized infrastructure, customized to meet its uniquely complex security and technology requirements. After construction is completed first quarter of 2012, Ryan Cos. will provide a full-time assistant property manager and a full-time building engineer housed in the project.
AECOM Design is the architect and GSA will administer the new lease. The project must be LEED silver or higher.