Best of New Mexico: Aperture Center

This mixed-use town center building serves as an anchor between the first neighborhoods and the commercial sectors at Mesa del Sol. The center has an iconic design feature that includes a curved fritted glass curtain wall on the north and red and white stucco and glass on its other faces. The south face features a suspended exterior grand staircase. Anticipating LEED silver certification, this is the first project completed through the Albuquerque Green Path Program.
Owner: Forest City Covington NM
Design Firm: Antoine Predock Architects; Jon Anderson Architect
General Contractor: Klinger Constructors LLC
Consultants: KL&A Inc.; EDI Inc.; Four Seasons Engineering; AEDI; URS Inc.
Subcontractors: Hanna Plumbing; Chaparral Electric; Western States Fire Protection; 310 Solar; Mechanical Concepts; Southwest Glass & Glazing; Fairway Inc.; Materials Inc.; Creative Concrete; CMC Rebar; NM Metal Systems; Everguard Roofing; JTC Inc.