Best of Arizona: City of Phoenix Japanese Friendship Garden Ro Ho En Restroom Building Sei Chin

Phase III of the City of Phoenix’s Japanese Garden features a restroom and storage facility built in the traditional Japanese architectural style. The building and garden harmonize into a serene setting that offers a peaceful respite from the bustle of the city all around. Locally-sourced, sustainable materials included bamboo, stone, naturally curved Ponderosa Pine wood beams, water-efficient fixtures, recycled steel roofing and natural stone flooring and countertops. Japanese Carpenters used non-powered tools to notch and dowel beam and post connections by hand to achieve an organic appearance. The building resembles a piece of fine-crafted furniture, yet is integrated into a building that was also designed to meet current code requirements for structural integrity and energy efficiency.
The judges were impressed with the project’s unique partnership and cultural contribution.
Owner: City of Phoenix
Design Firm: Tendo Associates; studio4design
General Contractor: BRC Design Builders
Engineers: Caruso Turley Scott; Entellus; Energy Systems Design
Supplier: Toto USA