Best of Nevada: Craig Road over I-15, NDOT #3339

Craig Road, a major North Las Vegas thoroughfare, was widened from four to six travel lanes between Berg Street and Pecos Road. The $34.7-million project entailed a grade separation over the Union Pacific Rail Road crossing at Craig Road that improves safety and commute times. Donovan Way was also reconstructed, adding a new connector, and five ramps at the Craig Road/Interstate-15 interchange were expanded. Interchange landscaping added graphic designs and decorative rock along the embankments with a fighter jet theme as a nod to nearby Nellis Air Force Base. A partnering, teamwork approach helped the project finish 60 days ahead of schedule.
Owner: Nevada Dept. of Transportation
Design Firm: Poggemeyer Design Group
General Contractor: Frehner Construction
Subcontractors: Tracy & Ryder Landscape; Highway Technologies; LAM Contracting; Olson Precast; Pacific Coast Steel; Stewart & Sundell