Best of New Mexico: New Mexico Magistrate Court, Doña Ana County

This new three-story, $11-million building, replacing the old overcrowded court facility in downtown Las Cruces, contains six courtrooms, judges chambers, elevators, sallyport and holding quarters. The design ensures the safety and security of the public, court employees and prisoners, and will allow for future expansion that will almost double the facility’s size.
Teamwork was the key to the widely recognized success of this project. The team worked collaboratively, especially in the early stages of planning the project, while respecting various roles as architect, builder and developer in managing the project.
A unique communications approach used some of the same consultants for both the design phase and the construction phase.
Owner: DBA Partners LLC
Design Firm: ASA Architects
General Contractor: Wooten Construction Co.
Engineers: Zamora Engineering; Denton Ventures; RBM Engineering; Lynco Electric
Subcontractors: Lynco Electric; BH Mechanical; Caliper Construction; Las Cruces Concrete; Alliance Riggers; Rodriquez Plastering