Best of New Mexico: San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Albuquerque’s drinking water treatment plant, built at a cost of $170 million, treats up to 92 mgd per day, and is easily expandable to 120 mgd treatment for future demands. The plant diverts water from the Rio Grande, treats it and then combines it with well water to provide the city with safe drinking water. With a water-quality testing laboratory, a learning center for the public and an advanced supervisory control and data acquisition system, the plant’s design allows for future expansion of the control, laboratory, administration and maintenance spaces. An uninterrupted power source and standby diesel generator ensure the plant’s dependability.
Owner: Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
Design Firm/CM: CH2M HILL
General Contractor: PCL/Triad Joint Venture
Consultants: Van H. Gilbert Architect PC; Sites Southwest; EMA inc.
Subcontractors: Mcdade-Woodcock; Bradbury Stamm; Hannah Plumbing; Progressive Roofing; Midwest Coatings