PLP Digital Systems, Scottsdale, Ariz., recently introduced the system for sale to reprographers. It calls the prints RevLines. Although reprographers may charge upward of 10 times more for them than conventional prints, PLP is banking on estimates that projects managers spend up to 20% of their time visually comparing drawings for changes, justifying the cost in time savings.

One contractor using them is Vito Germinario, president of subcontractor PCC Construction Components, Gaithersburg, Md. "One incorrect dimension can cost millions of dollars and leave no recourse," he says. "Revision highlighting makes those changes jump right out." See www.plp.com for details.

ultiple versions of drawings on jobsites present a challenge for contractors who must pick up changes and use only the latest plans. Now, a new software lets reprographers flag changes on prints from previous versions with colors. The base drawing is black; additions are red and deleted items are green.