Merit Safety: Parkland Logistics Center

Key Players
Owner Dallas County Hospital District dba Parkland Health & Hospital System
Lead Design Page
General Contractor Byrne Construction Services
The Parkland Logistics Building is a four-story support building serving the new 2.2-million-sq-ft Parkland Acute Care Hospital. The Logistics Building includes a basement level with a 120-ft-long underground tunnel that connects to the new hospital. Primary support service departments housed in the Logistics Building include the new campus loading dock, materials receiving and distribution, the Parkland Police Dept., secondary telecom unit as well as shell finish-out for a future lab on the second and third floors.
Contractor Byrne Construction Services required that all employees, staff and visitors attend a safety orientation before entering the jobsite. A site-specific emergency action plan was enacted, and Byrne also had a full-time safety manager on site every day.
Also included in the project’s safety program were daily inspections of the jobsite and monthly project-wide safety meetings. Other safety measures included daily jobsite inspections, monthly project-wide safety meetings and weekly toolbox safety talks for all subcontractors. The project team recorded 252,598 man-hours with no lost-time accidents.