Pulse: Project News

MAINE Patriots Renewables LLC is planning to build the Timberwinds wind-energy project on Canton Mountain in Canton. The project will entail constructing seven turbines, which will generate 19.25 MW. Civil work is expected to start in October or November 2016. The project is valued at $36 million. Patriots Renewables LLC, Attn: Lindsay Galbraith, Project Manager, 549 South St., Quincy, Mass. 02269. DR#10-00571535.
MINNESOTA The City of Duluth is planning to build a combined office-and-manufacturing center for painting and design work on Cirrus jet planes. The 68,000-sq-ft facility will be located adjacent to Cirrus’ existing production center at Duluth International Airport. Burns & McDonnell is designing the building. The project is valued at $12 million. City of Duluth, Attn: Purchasing Dept., 411 West First St., Duluth, 55802. DR#15-00442092.
OKLAHOMA The City of Oklahoma City is planning to construct a raw-water transmission line from the Atoka Reservoir to the Stanley Draper Reservoir. The 66-in-dia line will run 9.6 miles from Stonewall to Ada. Olsson Associates is the project designer. The project is valued at $30 million. Oklahoma City, Public Works Dept., 420 W. Main St., Oklahoma City, 73102. DR#15-00602505.
SOUTH CAROLINA The South Carolina Dept. of Transportation is planning to carry out improvements to U.S. Route 21 North and state Route 51 (Springfield Parkway) in York County. The project entails widening 2.9 miles of roadways to four or five lanes from two lanes. The project is valued at $22.4 million. South Carolina Dept. of Transportation, 955 Park St., Columbia, 29201. DR#13-00415797.
WYOMING The University of Wyoming is planning an addition and renovation to its athletic center on its Laramie campus. The project will entail renovating the two-story, 65,000-sq-ft building. DLR Group is the project designer, and GE Johnson Construction Wyoming is the general contractor. The project has been valued at $34 million. University of Wyoming, Attn: Robert Holzwarth, Associate Director, Facilities Planning, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, 82071. DR#16-00481584.
Contracts, Bids, Proposals
MISSISSIPPI Coastal Industry Contractors has started work on an expansion project of the pavilions at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport. The project has four components.