California City Scoop: San Diego

City Grill
Jeffrey W. Cavignac
President/Principal Cavignac & Associates
“Construction risk management is becoming more complex,” Cavignac says. “Owner-controlled and contractor-controlled insurance programs, project professional liability insurance, intricate indemnities and increasingly more stringent insurance requirements are just a few of the factors that might come into play. It’s imperative that industry stakeholders understand what is required in the contracts they are signing in general and, specifically, as it pertains to risk management- and insurance-related issues.”
Firm in Focus
Rudolph and Sletten Inc.
600 B St., Ste. 1500, San Diego
President/CEO: Martin Sisemore
Employees: 900
Founded: 1960
What's New: Rudolph and Sletten topped out the $555-million San Diego Central Courthouse on April 20. The 25-story building will be completed in early 2017.