Letter: Misrepresented Reality of CM Accreditation

Again, we must take exception to a recent article that misrepresents the reality of accreditation for construction-management programs in universities and colleges in the story “A Big Increase in CMF-PM Fees” (ENR 6/20 p. 44). The American Council for Construction Education has been accrediting construction-management degree programs since 1974, and the curricula are designed to meet the needs of the entire industry, including general contractors, trade contractors and CM-at-risk firms, as well as agency CM. Because of ongoing practitioner input at every stage of the process, ACCE-accredited programs are graduating nearly over 3,300 future leaders for the construction industry every year. It is important for the public to understand that ACCE accreditation was developed to meet the needs of the entire industry, not strictly the CM-agency delivery method associated with the program mentioned in the article.
The article incorrectly states, “Up until now, CM programs were part of schools’ general engineering programs.” In reality, only 35% of the more than 90 programs accredited by ACCE reside in colleges of engineering. The majority are independent departments in colleges of architecture, business and technology, along with engineering.
We invite you to view the website at www.acce-hq.org.
Michael Holland, CPC, AIC, MSCSM
American Council for Construction Education
San Antonio