On the Scene: New York Industry Events for Summer 2017

The Salvadori Center’s student design challenge took place on June 9, with participation from WSP, Goldman Sachs, Structure Tone, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, LPI and others.
The Salvadori Center’s student design challenge took place on June 9, with participation from WSP, Goldman Sachs, Structure Tone, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, LPI and others. One hundred twenty students from eight schools were broken into 22 teams, then given four hours to design and build a roller coaster to attract the greatest amount of riders and please investors.
“This year’s Salvadori Center Charrette Design Challenge was a huge success,” says Kenneth Jones, executive director at the center. “We brought together 120 students from across New York City to design and build structures that met specific parameters with the help of representatives from well-known architectural, engineering and design firms. The challenge tested and pushed students to work together as they utilized strategic thinking, math and science skills. We couldn’t be more proud of the students that participated.”