New York City Scoop: Construction Starts in New York

Total Spending Expected to Weaken in 2018 Due to a Sharp Drop in Commercial Work
Residential sector should also decline, while non-building activity is forecast to post strong growth.
City Grill
Howard Rowland
EW Howell Construction Group
“One prominent design trend is resiliency. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which did so much damage throughout the metropolitan area, our clients are taking a harder look at incorporating resiliency features that will help mitigate risks from flood waters,” says Rowland. “Other trends we see in the market include a growing appetite for advanced project delivery methods that speed construction and cut costs as well as a growth in demand for health care, education and cultural expansion projects.”
Firm in Focus
ODA New York
250 Park Avenue South, New York City
Founder: Eran Chen
Founded: 2007
What’s New: The firm is involved in residential projects such as Pier 6 Brooklyn Bridge Park and Hunters Point Parcel C as well as commercial spaces such as 71 White Street in Brooklyn.