Southwest City Scoop: Construction Starts in Albuquerque

Total Value of New Contracts Expected to Grow by More Than 34% This Year
Strong gains forecast for institutional and commercial/manufacturing activity as well as residential work.
City Grill
Jeffrey Mitchell
UNM Bureau of Business and Economic Research
Mitchell says although New Mexico’s economy had been “awful” for years, activity has picked up significantly in the last six months as Albuquerque continues to be “OK, not great.” A bright spot is construction employment, he says, as evidenced by 2017 growth of 6% to 8% year over year. The future of the area around the downtown Albuquerque Rapid Transit line and implementation of the city’s unified development ordinance will continue to impact construction activity in 2018, Mitchell says.
Firm in Focus
Klinger Constructors LLC
8701 Washington NE, Albuquerque
CEO: Tom Novak
Founded: 1982
What’s New: The firm is building a Montecito Santa Fe memory-care facility in Santa Fe and recently completed the emergency department for Presbyterian Hospital in Espanola.