Ohio-based First Energy Corp. plans to shed its competitive generation business, including closing three nuclear power plants, following a strategic review that will be finished this summer. The 908-MW Davis-Besse and 1,286-MW Perry nuclear plants in Ohio and the 1,872-MW Beaver Valley plant in Pennsylvania are likely to be closed as the company examines 10,600 MW of its coal, natural-gas and nuclear plants. After state and federal efforts to help subsidize nuclear plants failed, the utility on Jan. 22 announced three private funds’ $2.5-billion investment to help the company exit the competitive generation market and focus on transmission and development. In a related story, NextEra on Jan. 26 said it likely will close the Duane Arnold Iowa nuclear plant in 2025.
FirstEnergy to Close Nuclear Plants in Restructuring

FirstEnergy To Close Three Plants; NextEra To Shutter One in Iowa