Illinois Cypress Creek Renewables is planning to construct a solar power plant, which will have a capacity between 2 MW and 5 MW, on a 48-acre site in Crete Township. The project scope includes construction of mounting systems and equipment foundations and erection of photovoltaic solar panels. The company will self-perform engineering and procurement and manage construction in-house. Construction is expected to begin in 2019. Cypress Creek Renewables, 18 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 60603. IR#IL180109.

Kentucky AgTech Scientific LLC is planning to build an industrial hemp-processing facility on a 10-acre site in Paris. The project scope includes construction of a 50,000-sq-ft building and purchase; installation of stainless-steel tanks and piping; and installation of separation, sorting, extraction and mixing equipment. Gray Construction has been selected to provide design-build services. Construction is expected to begin in May 2018. AgTech Scientific will use the facility to process hemp to produce energy drinks and other products. The estimated EPC cost is $5 million. AgTech Scientific, LLC, 1057 Tanbark Rd., Lexington, 40515. IR#KY180117.

Maine Nordic Aquafarms Inc. is planning to construct a salmon hatchery and processing plant on a 40-acre site in Belfast. The project scope includes construction of a building and the purchase and installation of rearing tanks, fiberglass troughs, incubator boxes, stainless-steel tanks, and equipment for water recirculation and purification and fish cleaning and cutting. Construction is expected to begin in 2019. The estimated EPC cost is $150 million. Nordic Aquafarms Inc., Øraveien 2, 1630 Gamle, Fredrickstad, Norway. IR#ME180108.

Nevada Ormat Technologies Inc. is planning to expand its geothermal power plant, the McGinness Hills Geothermal Facility, on its 42-acre site in Lander County. The phase-three project scope includes construction of access roads, production and injection wells, a pipeline and an electric transmission line; installation of organic Rankine-cycle turbine generator units; and the purchase and installation of storage tanks, cooling towers, heat exchangers, condensers and pumps. The company is self-performing design engineering and procurement and managing construction in-house. Ormat Technologies Inc., 6225 Neil Rd., Reno, 89511. IR#NV180102.

Information is derived from Industrial Reports, a market intelligence firm specializing in industrial construction. To receive the full report with details and contacts for any of the above projects, call 800-235-2330 x2002 or email To see all recent projects or to receive new project alerts, go to: