Two Insurers Balk at Coverage for FIGG on Florida Collapse
Exclusions said to back position of Travelers, Phoenix on claims

A view of the pedestrian bridge during rescue operations last March. Teams were examining the shattered bridge’s top chord, which served as a canopy, with “anchor blisters” where tension rods were protruding.
Insurers providing property damage and bodily harm coverage to FIGG Engineering say they shouldn't have to pay for damages related to claims from March’s bridge collapse in Florida.
In a lawsuit in federal district court in Miami, Travelers Indemnity Co. of Connecticut and Phoenix Insurance Co. say that the policies provided to FIGG specifically excluded professional services, such as design and construction inspection.
Phoenix provided the basic coverage and Travelers provided umbrella coverage. They are asking the court for relief from claims by FIGG for coverage and defense costs.
The exclusions are detailed in the court complaint. According to the insurers, FIGG’s role as structural engineer of record for the bridge, as part of a design-build project with MCM, the prime contractor, involved professional services as an engineer.
FIGG has requested an extension for time to prepare its reply. Amanda K. Anderson, the company’s attorney for this lawsuit, could not be reached for comment.
The identities are not yet clear of other insurers facing claims from the March accident involving a pedestrian bridge at the Florida International University campus in Miami. One personal injury attorney has estimated that based on past Florida settlements, the total for losses related to the six deaths and injuries sustained could be $90 million.