ENR California Best Projects 2018 Highway/Bridge: Holman Highway 68 Roundabout

Crews building Holman Highway 68’s roundabout in Monterey overcame heavy rains, skepticism from local residents and an environmentally sensitive location to relieve traffic congestion at one of the two gateways to the Monterey Peninsula.
Holman Highway 68 Roundabout
Monterey, Calif.
Award of Merit
Owner: City of Monterey
Lead Design Firm: Omni-Means, a GHD Company
General Contractor: Harris & Associates
Crews building Holman Highway 68’s roundabout in Monterey overcame heavy rains, skepticism from local residents and an environmentally sensitive location to relieve traffic congestion at one of the two gateways to the Monterey Peninsula. Highways 1 and 68 are essential thoroughfares, so the intersection had to remain accessible throughout construction. This made communication a top priority for the design-build team and the 10-plus participating state agencies. An interagency task force consisting of emergency responders, agency officials, hospital representatives and other stakeholders met to review each month’s work and coordinate the multiple roadway closures and detours. Because the original intersection was constrained by existing narrow bridges over the two highways, widening was not an option.
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