Demo Team Successfully Triggers Big Blasts in Bayonne, NJ

Controlled implosions brought down the last structural vestiges of a former military docking and supply center in Bayonne, N.J., on Nov. 30, clearing the way for a 1.6-million-sq-ft logistics center.

Controlled implosions brought down the last structural vestiges of a former military docking and supply center in Bayonne, N.J., on Nov. 30, clearing the way for a 1.6-million-sq-ft logistics center.

Controlled implosions brought down the last structural vestiges of a former military docking and supply center in Bayonne, N.J., on Nov. 30, clearing the way for a 1.6-million-sq-ft logistics center. Control Services LLC, Jersey City, N.J., demolished a 175-ft smokestack and 150-ft steel water tower at the 153-acre waterfront site. In June, Lincoln Equities Group acquired the site, which was built on fill in the 1930s and closed in 1999. Over the next two years, Lincoln will construct warehouse and shipping facilities in hopes of attracting a variety of tenants. To meet post-Superstorm Sandy construction standards, the site elevation will be raised by 6 ft through the addition of more than 1 million cu yd of clean fill.