Snapshot: Installing Electric In Energy-Efficient Office
PHOTOGRAPHER/SUBMITTER: Lou Jones, for Millenium Partners, Boston
Shooting what could become the world’s largest energy efficient office building certified by Passive House International for developer Millennium, Jones says his goal was to highlight “modern techniques” that project contractor Suffolk is deploying on the 1.5-million-sq-ft Winthrop Center in Boston. One such technique captured with this picture, he says, involves erecting the building above ground while simultaneously excavating below ground. “Well underground I found this IBEW electrician, but I needed to show what he does and the complexity of the environment at the same time,” Jones says. “I shot him in very low light conditions through the materials he was installing.” At 691-ft tall, Winthrop Center will become Boston’s fourth-tallest building when completed in 2022. The 52-story building was designed by Handel Architects. “Being on the site so regularly allows me to follow the entire development in depth,” he says. “It is the assignment of a lifetime.”