City of Huntsville AJ Brown Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project

Huntsville, Texas

Award of Merit

OWNER: City of Huntsville

LEAD DESIGN FIRM/CIVIL: Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd Inc.

GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Gracon Construction Inc.


MEP ENGINEER: Bradshaw & Associates Inc.

This $20.8-million upgrade to an aging water treatment plant included a new secondary treatment process and a mechanical dewatering system. Because of its age, the plant was discharging effluent exceeding permitted limits.

To minimize construction costs, the engineering team repurposed many of the existing structures and components and incorporated new technology. Keeping the plant operating while constructing and starting up the new one required a team commitment.

wastewater treatment plant

Photo by Joe Robbins

The global pandemic occurred during the latter half of construction and impacted materials delivery and field service reps’ travel for components. 

Despite these challenges, the team completed the project within budget in March 2021.