Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced December 17 that a settlement has been reached with Powers Fasteners, Inc., Brewster, N.Y., regarding the July 10, 2006 Interstate 90 tunnel plenum collapse that killed a 38-year-old local woman, Milena Del Valle. According to the agreement Powers will stop future sales of its fast-set epoxy and recall all previous sales. The firm will also pay a $16 million settlement: $15.5 million will go to a state transportation infrastructure fund and $500,000 to the City of Boston.

According to Coakley the deal closes out most civil and criminal matters resulting from the tragedy. In 2006 the AG filed a civil suit against the firm, which was also indicted for involuntary manslaughter in 2007. She notes the penalty for a corporate conviction in Massachusetts is only a $1,000 fine. "The settlement avoids a lengthy and expensive trial while serving as a deterrent and protecting public safety," says Coakley.

The Del Valle family has been notified and approves the deal says to Coakley. In 2007 Powers paid $6 million to resolve a civil suit with the family. "We applaud the Attorney General for her willingness to dismiss the indictment against Powers," says Company President Jeff Powers. "Today our company accepts its share of responsibility as one of many businesses involved in the construction of the tunnel."