Full disclosure through Declare already meets the proposed LEED Version 4 credit for product ingredient transparency, says Connelly.
In a related action at Greenbuild, the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute announced details of the third version of its green-product certification program. Certification is a multi-attribute eco-label that assesses a product's safety to humans and the environment.
The changes to the program include an added achievement level, of which there are now five: basic, bronze, silver, gold and platinum. "Basic" has become a provisional certification to get companies on the path to continuous improvement.
The group also launched a competition, open until June 13, to promote innovation in product design and manufacturing. The three winners will share $250,000. Information is available at www.c2cCertified.org/challenge.
"We need to be intelligent and careful about context" when choosing materials, says William McDonough, founder of William McDonough + Partners, Charlottesville, Va., and co-founder of Cradle to Cradle.