Jim Kirkland, vice president and general counsel of Trimble Navigation Ltd., and a founding member of the Coalition to Save Our GPS, a group formed to protest LightSquared's proposal, released a statement saying “The FCC has acted appropriately by declaring that its non-interference condition has not been satisfied and that LightSquared will not be permitted to move forward."
Kirkland added that the coalition "stands ready to work with the NTIA and the FCC to address the important policy issues relating to longer term use of satellite spectrum and reduction of potential interference to maximize the efficient use of all satellite spectrum.“
LightSqared, in a statement reacting to the NITA decision, said the agency's recommendation "relied on the flawed conclusions" and said it "profoundly disagrees" with the recommendation that is says, "disregard more than a decade of regulatory orders, and in doing so, jeopardize private enterprise, jobs and investment in America's future."
"NTIA relies on interference standards that have never been used in this context, and were forced by the GPS community in order to reach the conclusions presented today. This, together with a severely flawed testing process that relied on obsolete and niche devices, shows that the FCC should take the NTIA's recommendation with a generous helping of salt," LightSquared said.
"Despite LightSquared’s success in finding technical solutions and the acknowledgement by a senior government official that GPS receivers are specifically designed to rely on spectrum licensed to LightSquared, it is extremely disappointing that this recommendation was made today," the company statement added.
The statement concluded, however, with recognition by LightSquared that "this is just one step in the process." It said the company would remain committed to working toward a resolution, and noted that the final regulatory decision still rests with the FCC.
"The company fully expects the agency to recognize LightSquared’s legal rights to build its $14-billion, privately financed network."