Product Snapshot: Wheel Excavator and Folding Auto-Load Knife

The e70 series second-generation True Blue level features removable shock-resistant end caps and a one-piece hand grip. The level's AccuEdge2 frame provides an improved edge for drawing lines. The e70 is available in lengths of 24 in., 32 in., 48 in., 72 in. and 96 in. The em71 level, which features rare-earth magnets for easier placement, is available in lengths of 24 in., 48 in., 78 in. and 96 in.
Empire Level;

The DeWalt Folding Auto-Load Knife can store up to three utility blades. A new blade is automatically loaded when a dull blade is removed. The knife features a slim handle with a soft grip and a slim design. The tool accepts standard utility blades and does not require proprietary blade packs.

The Hyundai R180W-9A wheeled excavator has an operating weight of 38,100 lb and a bucket breakout force of 26,330 lbf. The excavator runs on a 155-hp Cummins QSB6.7 Interim Tier 4 Engine and features an economy operating mode to conserve fuel. The hydraulics system features several improvements including better boom-down flow regeneration and new control valve technology. The cab has been redesigned, with slimmer tubing for greater operator visibility. An optional roll-over protection structure is available.
Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas;

This week we look at a wheeled excavator from Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas and an auto-loading folding knife from DeWalt. Click to begin the slide show.