McKesson Medical-Surgical is planning to construct a pharmaceutical and medical products distribution facility on a 26-acre site at Brewster Creek Business Park in Bartlett.
DaikyoNishikawa US (DNUS) is planning to establish a plastic automotive components manufacturing plant near the Mazda Toyota Manufacturing USA Inc. automotive assembly plant currently under construction in Huntsville.
Red Bull, Ball Corporation and Rauch Fruchtsäfte GmbH & Co OG are planning to construct a beverage canning plant at Woolf Logistics Industrial Campus in Glendale.
Firefly Aerospace Inc. is planning to construct a launch vehicle manufacturing plant on an 18-acre site at Exploration Park and a launch facility at Space Launch Complex 20, both at Cape Canaveral.
Waelz Sustainable Products is planning to construct a steel mill by-products recycling facility on a 30-acre site at the former BorgWarner campus in Muncie.