This letter is a rebuttal to online comments posted by Michael McNally and Robert T. Williams in response to the cover story, “From the Top Down” (ENR 10/31-11/7/22, p. 18), and its associated sidebar about TGE Top Down LLC, where I am chairman.
To consolidate two health care campuses into a single campus at Michigan State University, different delivery methods were utilized for each major component of the project.
Through the development of Delta Energy Park, Lansing Board of Water and Light became the largest utility in Michigan to generate coal-free power by 2025, reducing its carbon emissions by 80%.
Maintaining social distancing can be a problem on an active jobsite. But is turning it's safety-monitoring A.I. toward the challenge of keeping workers safely spaced out.
“In the city of Detroit, there’s a lot of demand for residential. There is a shortage of residential space, [and] there are a lot of projects. They are not of the size and magnitude of the Hudson’s redevelopment [planned to be Detroit’s tallest building], but it is all significant,” Baxa says.