Projects aim to deliver a 21st-century model of environmental and economic justice in building a new American industry in areas facing pollution and climate change risk
Public health worries, particularly in environmental justice communities, are behind the proposed review of manufacturing limits in federal consent decree.
Rising health and climate change risks spur pushback from communities impacted by facility emissions and pollution—as owners, governments, activists and industry advisers weigh options for new levels of environmental justice.
Comments are due Sept. 14 on the estimated $2B Syracuse viaduct project, which aims to resolve dislocation impacts to the city's Black community when the highway was built in 1968.
Inequities exist in all sectors—from highway alignments to industrial sites and wastewater treatment plant locations—but finding solutions won’t be easy or without controversy.
Project participants await details on law enacted Sept. 18 that sets what may be strictest U.S. rules on siting pollution-emitting facilities in 'overburdened communities;' Colorado eyes similar curbs.