A “shark tank” panel of private equity investors at the American Society of Civil Engineers innovation awards celebration in June shed light on how they evaluate prospects, what red flags they look for and how innovation is likely to advance in an industry whose customers are dominated by public sector owners predisposed to “say no.”
The American Society of Civil Engineers has published a new edition of its structural design standard, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.
When the Trump administration finally reveals the details and timing of its much-touted infrastructure investment program, the American Society of Civil Engineers has a good idea of what needs to be done.
The International Code Council has approved—as expected—the updated structural building-design standard, written by the American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute, for inclusion in the 2018 edition of the ICC’s model International Building Code.
The American Society of Civil Engineers is preparing to publish the world’s first standard for the design of critical structures to resist the impact of tsunamis.
The failure of the world’s largest engineered slope a year ago at Charleston’s Yeager Airport has generated widespread speculation from the international engineering community because of the scale of construction and the numerous prizes for design the project had garnered, says Chrys Steiakakis, a geotechnical engineer at Geosysta Ltd., Attiki, Greece.
The Industry Leaders Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers is evaluating submissions to a new contest that is soliciting ideas for transforming the future of infrastructure.