Engineer executed epic and controversial state water-power project, followed Ronald Reagan to D.C. as a Corps exec and mentored hundreds of water professionals.
Building on or near wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas is a known challenge in construction. But a new app seeks to automate much of the wetlands evaluation process and then instantly populate the relevant forms and documentation.
As current and projected demand for added hospital beds to care for COVID-19 patients reaches dire levels in parts of the U.S., contractors are helping health care systems and governments explore a variety of ways to address the shortages.
Some, but far from all, federal infrastructure and construction programs would gain increases under congressional spending measures covering the rest of fiscal year 2020.
DOD Inspector General will probe $400M Corps contract to Fisher Sand and Gravel, which builds private walls and airs TV pitches to President Trump; firm also faces suit in Texas.
With partisan squabbles over funds for President Donald Trump’s border wall blocking agreement on spending bills for fiscal year 2020, Congress again is turning to its usual Plan B: a stopgap bill to keep agencies’ programs, including construction accounts, operating.