Detailed analysis of the catastrophic 2021 Texas winter storm finds systemic flaws in the state's electric sector contributed to a "cascade of failures" that overwhelmed the power grid.
Citing continued construction challenges and the need for additional testing time, Georgia Power has pushed back by three months its timeline for the Vogtle units 3 and 4 nuclear powerplant expansion, the first new plant construction in years.
Great Neck, N.Y., treatment facility replaced its anaerobic digester equipment to create, from used cooking oil, enough methane to provide 50% of its power
The four dams — Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite—provide a 1,000 MW of carbon-free power for the region, but also hinder the passage of salmon.
The cooling towers for the Brayton coal plant, once the largest coal plant in New England and the last coal plant in Massachusetts were demolished in a matter of seconds.