Kiewit is set to build expansion of Nebraska clean materials plant, the first non-nuclear power project since 2016 to gain yellow-light commitment under innovative federal clean energy loan program.
Investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure would be a better way to make the electric grid more resilient and reliable, representatives of a variety of energy interests told the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s energy subcommittee at recent hearings.
Lifting away contaminated portions of the Hanford Nuclear Waste Site’s Plutonium Finishing Plant requires cranes to remove the largest pieces of equipment, dubbed glove boxes.
Last spring, at the Plant Vogtle construction site near Waynesboro, Ga., executives representing Georgia Power, its lead contractors and trades groups gathered to commit publicly to turning around the $16-billion nuclear power-plant expansion.
A lack of funding for comprehensive hazardous-waste cleanup at Los Alamos National Laboratory required by a 2005 consent order could expose the lab’s operator and the Dept. of Energy to a daily fine of $487,000 under federal law, if a non-profit group’s lawsuit succeeds.
Gary Brunson, the U.S. Energy Dept. engineering director at the Hanford $12.2-billion Waste Treatment Plant project, claims Bechtel National Inc. is doing such a poor job of managing engineering at DOE's Washington state site that the contractor should be removed.
Aiming for a safer approach to "cocoon" a defunct nuclear reactor at the U.S. Energy Dept.'s Hanford waste site in Washington state while its radioactivity decays over 75 years, crews will enclose it in a steel shell.