Firms from Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, D.C. will deliver equipment and services exports worth $1.8 billion, with U.S. Export-Import Bank financing.
The project will be located on nearly 3,000 acres of land along three miles of the Sabine-Neches waterway and could become one of the largest LNG export projects in North America.
Citing a shift in the marketplace, heavy equipment manufacturer CNH Industrial has provided details its planned spin-off of its on-road truck business from its agricultural and construction equipment business.
Companies building new LNG terminals along the Gulf Coast will be getting more service and closer supervision after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission opens a new office in Houston.
In May, Wood Group entered a new one-year contract with Chevron Australia to provide subsea integration and flow assurance front-end engineering design (FEED) services for the Jansz-lo compression project offshore of Western Australia.