By training a cross section of construction team members and testing their knowledge in a safety certification program, leaders of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association believe they can put a dent in the 48,600 injuries and deaths that take place in highway work zones each year.
Three BASF firefighters and a Polish sailor died and several others were injured after an Oct. 17 explosion along a riverside loading dock in Ludwigshafen.
Two workers employed by a drain-cleaning contractor were trapped and drowned on Oct. 21, when a punctured main sent water flooding into a 12-ft-deep trench where they were working, according to the Boston Fire Dept.
Despite a fire on Pittsburgh’s Liberty Bridge last month, contractor Joseph B. Fay Co. missed by only four days a milestone to open the bridge’s fourth lane to traffic.
The fire damage to Pittsburgh’s Liberty Bridge took longer than expected to repair, but the bridge that connects the Steel City’s downtown to the Liberty Tunnels finally reopened to traffic on Monday afternoon.
Driving faster than the posted limit in a highway work zone, no one enjoys the sting of a speeding ticket for $250 or higher—as it would be in, for example, Illinois—especially if you are caught on camera and not by a cop.