Tasked with rebuilding a historic Tampa elementary school that was nearly destroyed in 2017 by the one-two punch of Hurricane Irma and ensuing fire, contractor JE Dunn Construction Co. and architect Fleishman Garcia began a painstaking effort to revive the early 1900s-era brick building into a modern facility.
The joint-venture of Archer Western and Traylor Bros. is being challenged by the bay's geology as they construct the 3-mile-long bridge's substructure.
Few projects better epitomize architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s admonition that form and function “should be one, joined in a spiritual union” than the Susan and John Sykes Ars Sonora, one of the world’s largest and most unique musical bell sculptures, currently in the early stages of construction at the University of Tampa.
The city of Tampa, Fla., is consdering a public-private partnership that would create an 8.25-mile, 18-station streetcar connection between downtown and the city’s airport.
When Florida Hospital-Tampa embarked on a $53.7-million project to add a larger 91,000-sq-ft emergency department, the hospital hired Robins & Morton, which had recently delivered another nearby facility for the owner.