The measure would authorize $24.6 billion in federal funds for 21 Army Corps of Engineers projects covering flood and hurricane protection, harbor dredging and other related efforts across the country.
Water sector officials were disappointed the final $9.9-billion water resources package that passed the House on Dec. 7 included so little for water utilities.
A new Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, has made headway in Congress, most recently with House passage of a bill authorizing about $9 billion for Army Corps of Engineers flood and storm protection, environmental restoration and other projects.
It took Flint, Mich.’s water issues, which rose to a crisis level last year with news of the city’s extensive lead-tainted supply, to catapult sector needs higher on legislative agendas and into the public consciousness.
As Congress hurries to its preelection recess, the list of major bills the House and Senate must pass before leaving may only include one item: legislation to keep federal agencies operating past September.